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Retreat Features

Direct observations of glacial retreat features add to the body of scientific information by dramatically showing the ongoing glacial retreat.  Ski lifts easily and quickly take visitors to many lift stations and hiking trails with exceptional views so that you can see these features yourself.  These lifts operate all year; however, the summer months give the best views without the winter's snow cover. 


Each of the glacial retreat features described in the following pages can be seen in association with Zermatt's major glaciers discussed in this guide.  They are evidence for the major retreat of these glaciers that has occurred over the past 150 years.  Taken together they give even more compelling evidence of their past and ongoing retreat.  Each of the features are described and shown along with what they tell us about glacier retreat so that you can identify and understand their significance.


The view above is cirque glacier hanging over the Zmutt Glacier that shows a polished rock retreat surface below the ice.

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